Happy New Year.

The Power of Proximity-

As the clock ticks down to the final moments of the year, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt wishes for a Happy New Year filled with joy, laughter, and countless moments worth capturing.

May each day of the coming year be a canvas of new opportunities, and may your journey through 2024 be adorned with beautiful memories, like a well-framed photograph. May you find the perfect lighting in every situation and the ideal composition for the chapters that lie ahead.

Here's to a year of breathtaking landscapes, candid smiles, and the perfect shot that tells a thousand words. May your focus be sharp, your exposure be balanced, and your life's album be filled with extraordinary moments.

As the photographer Kristoffer, I believe in the power of capturing the beauty in every moment. May the snapshots of your life be nothing short of spectacular in the upcoming year.

Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with shutter-worthy moments and the perfect exposure to all the joys life has to offer!

Warm regards,


Portrait photography is a captivating art form that goes beyond simply capturing a person's likeness. It's about revealing the essence of an individual, conveying emotions, and telling a story through a single frame. One key element that distinguishes exceptional portrait photography is the proximity of the photographer to the model. Getting close to the subject is not just a technical aspect; it's a crucial aspect that can elevate the entire portrait.

The Power of Proximity:

Close-up shots have a profound impact on the intimacy and emotional connection within a portrait. When a photographer gets physically closer to the model, it allows for a more detailed and personal representation of the subject. The facial expressions, nuances, and subtleties that might be overlooked from a distance become the focal point, creating a more profound and meaningful image.

Capturing Emotion:

The face is a canvas of emotions, and getting close to the model enables the photographer to capture the subtleties of those expressions. Whether it's the twinkle in someone's eye, the curve of a smile, or the furrow of a brow, being close allows for an authentic portrayal of emotions that might be lost in a wider shot. The viewer can then connect with the subject on a deeper level, feeling the emotions portrayed in the photograph.

Details Matter:

Every individual has unique features, and close-up portraits accentuate these details. From the texture of the skin to the sparkle of an earring, getting close allows for the meticulous capture of details that add character to the photograph. These details not only make the portrait visually appealing but also contribute to the narrative by providing a more comprehensive depiction of the subject's personality.

Building Trust and Connection:

The physical proximity between the photographer and the model fosters a sense of trust and connection. The model becomes more comfortable and relaxed, allowing their true self to shine through. This connection is reflected in the final image, creating a portrait that feels authentic and genuine. As a photographer, establishing a rapport with your subject is crucial, and getting close is a powerful way to achieve this.

Framing and Composition:

Being close to the model provides greater control over framing and composition. The photographer can carefully frame the shot to emphasize specific facial features, expressions, or details. This control enables the creation of visually striking images that draw the viewer's attention to the most important elements of the portrait.


In the realm of portrait photography, getting close to the model is not just a technical choice; it's a deliberate and impactful decision that can elevate the entire creative process. The proximity allows photographers to capture the essence of their subjects, convey emotions in a powerful way, and create portraits that resonate on a deeper level. By recognizing the importance of getting close, photographers can unlock the full potential of their craft and produce portraits that are not just visually stunning but emotionally compelling as well.